
08 January 2025

A Sentence about the Island-wrecks in the Iron Gates


As the water level on the Danube is never horizontal, neither are the islands, and this phenomenon is only noticeable in cases where people interfere with the natural flow of the river, mostly for the sake of navigation, because ships and their crews do not like going against the flow, they would much rather travel on a water surface like a lake or a sea, but the Danube is not really a lake nor like a sea, and it is not right to try to make it into one, as happened west of Bős/Gabcikovo, where the Danube is almost completely dammed and climbs the steps of a series of locks and weirs, and on the river section between Serbia and Romania, where the mountains compressed the floodplain and did everything they can to make the lives of sailors miserable with their scattered boulders and reefs, so that then, as if out of revenge, the sailors made the lives of the Danube islands, and rock bars miserable, breaking and exploding many of them, sinking them and only leaving some of them untouched, because there is a section between Smeredovo and Moldova Veche, where after the construction of the Iron Gate the reservoir slowly rising from the east could not completely submerge the islands, they hang out of the tilted Danube like the worn-out barges of a stranded fleet, with their noses pointing west, and their eastern barge lies in a shallow watery grave, from which only at low tide do their wrecks, stripped of their island character, emerge, which was not dug out by human hands, there are no regular forms typical of gravel mining, artificial pools, or traces of dredging, it is simply that nature created such arm-shaped islands here, where regular floods first deposited the alluvium transported from far away along the coast of the larger islands, as in the case of river ridges on the coasts, such was the case with Ponjavica, Zavojszka, Cibuklija, Kalinovac and partly the Moldova Veche island, all of which lie like a bitten crust of bread in a certain zone of the Danube, where the place of the breadcrumbs has been taken over by waterfowl and juvenile fish, and on which man, for lack of a better word, has placed the nature conservation area sign, hoping to somewhat obscure the view of this industrial, overturned landscape, which nature is trying to sort out with its own means.

E-shaped island called Kalinovac. (googleearth)

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